Community Service

(404) 816-4440

Community Service in Gwinnett County

Performing community service is a common consequence in DUI cases. Depending on your situation, you may be able to complete community service before you even go to court to demonstrate good faith efforts with the judge. However, it is important that you perform your hours at an approved location or else they would not count. If you have been charged with DUI or a DUI related offense, contact our DUI Lawyers in Gwinnett County today to learn about whether you need to complete community service or not.

Community service can be ordered as a stand-alone sentence or as a condition of probation for many types of crimes. The main requirement of community service is that it benefits the community. Sometimes courts assign the organization, but the majority of the time, the judge allows the offender to choose the type of community service they want to do. However, the community service must be done at a non-profit organization. In addition, Gwinnett County prefers that the hours are performed at an organization in Gwinnett County or even city you were charged.

Before you start working hours for court ordered community service, you should make sure that your court approves the organization. Most courts do not accept community service hours performed at your school or church. Additionally, certain courts will provide you with a list of approved organizations.

Once you have narrowed down your options, it is critical to contact that organization before you show up. You must notify them that you have court-ordered community services to complete and provide information about the nature of your offense. They may not need additional volunteers or do not have time slots that fit your availability.

It is essential to document the days, times, and hours you volunteer. Some organizations have a sign in sheet for you to record others. It can be difficult to verify hours later, so it is essential to keep good records and sign in. If they do not have a sign in sheet, make sure the non-profit can provide you with a letter of completion on their official letterhead.

Community Service Can Be Performed Before Court in Gwinnett County

While most people complete community service after a conviction or court appearance, it can be completed before. Our DUI Attorneys in Gwinnett County frequently recommend our clients do this. Completing community service before court shows that you are taking the charge seriously. It can also show the prosecutor or judge that you are responsible and give your attorney leverage when negotiating on your behalf.

Because of our decades of experience representing people charged with crimes in Georgia, we have a vast knowledge of what organizations courts approve of. We do not want you to spend time volunteering somewhere that a judge will not accept.

Contact Us

If you have been charged with DUI and have been ordered to perform community service or your court date is coming up and you have questions, contact us now. Our Gwinnett County DUI Lawyers will help you decide which organization is best for your offense, and we know how to make it work for you when defending you in court. Completing community service is not admitting guilt; instead, it can be a helpful bargaining tool for your case. Contact us today if you have any questions about community service in Gwinnett County or about your case.

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