In Lawrenceville, Gwinnett County officers charge many people possession of marijuana charges. If you are charged with possession of less than one ounce of marijuana, it is considered a misdemeanor. You may get a citation from a Lawrenceville Police Officer and go to the Lawrenceville Municipal Court. Or you may have been arrested by a Gwinnett County police officer and have your first arraignment in the recorders or state court of Gwinnett County. If you are charged with possession of more than one ounce of marijuana, distribution of marijuana, or possession of any other drug, you will likely be charged with a felony by Gwinnett County officers and prosecuting attorneys and have your case heard in the Superior Court of Gwinnett County on Langley Drive in Lawrenceville.
Whether you are facing a Lawrenceville Municipal Court misdemeanor marijuana charge, or a felony drug distribution or possession of large quantities of marijuana (cocaine, or any other drug) in Superior Court, a Gwinnett County drug possession defense attorney can help you a lot. While a felony obviously is very serious, as it concerns potential prison time and the consequence of being a convicted felon, our Gwinnett County possession lawyers have experience getting first offender treatment for clients who elect to plea as well as taking cases to trial and winning the case. Even misdemeanor marijuana possession cases have serious consequences. Our Gwinnett County marijuana possession lawyers help clients get the best possible results on their Lawrenceville marijuana possession charges. Call our lawyers today for a free consultation.
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