When you face driving under the influence DUI charges in Gwinnett County, there are three general ways in which they can be resolved. These are (1) dismissal of the charges, (2) a guilty plea, and (3) an acquittal or not guilty verdict at a trial. It is always best if your DUI lawyer can get the charges dismissed or thrown out. Gwinnett County prosecutors aggressive pursue DUI convictions, but there are times when DUI defense attorneys get cases dismissed for no probable cause, lack of evidence, mistaken identity, etc. At arraignment, a not guilty plea can be entered and you can have a bench or jury trial. If you are not found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, you are acquitted of all charges. A guilty plea is the most common way in which charges in any criminal or traffic offense, including a DUI, are resolved. Typically, a Gwinnett County solicitor will offer a plea bargain (or make a plea offer) in which they will recommend a particular sentence to the judge in exchange for you pleading guilty to the charges of DUI. This offer typically is to the full DUI charge and requires jail time and hefty fines. Even if you know you do not want to contest your DUI and you want to enter a guilty plea, a DUI lawyer can help you negotiate a fair plea bargain. A skilled DUI attorney can oftentimes get charges reduced to reckless driving, get fines, jail time, and community service requirements reduced, and help you get your driving privileges restored. Call the Law Offices of Richard Lawson today for a free consultation.
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