A DUI charge in Gwinnett County typically begins when a citizen is pulled over by a law enforcement officer for weaving, speeding, or some type of erratic driving. A DUI arrest often stems from a stop at a drunk driving or sobriety check point when officers stop every vehicle to check for intoxicated drivers. After the citizen is stopped, the officer begins his or her interrogation. The individual is asked to make incriminating statements and submit to field sobriety and chemical testing that can later be used against him or her.
However, if the breathalyzer is refused, this is a violation of Georgia's implied consent law and there can be a one year drivers license suspension. On the other hand, if one does take the test and the result is a .08 or over, then the driver will be presumed to be under the influence and charged with DUI per se, or an unlawful blood alcohol level.
An experienced Gwinnett County DUI attorney can help protect your rights. Many times, the officers did not have probable cause to make the traffic stop to begin with. Officers also often improperly administer field sobriety tests and breathalyzers. In addition, breathalyzers are highly inefficient and unreliable. Attorneys at the Law Office of Richard Lawson are familiar with the proper stnadards and administration of DUI tests. Our attorneys can impeach the officers at motion hearings and trials. Contact us today.
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