Labor Day is coming on Monday, September 3, 2018, and with it increased enforcement activity by Gwinnett County law enforcement. Holiday weekends are high enforcement periods for Georgia's zero-tolerance policy with regards to driving under the influence (DUI) of drugs or alcohol. Increased presence on the roads, DUI checkpoints, and the stiff penalties involved with a DUI conviction are possible things Georgia drivers will face on Labor Day weekend.
Gwinnett County Labor Day DUI Enforcement
Labor Day is a long weekend for many of us, accompanied by burgers, hot dogs, and the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Along with that, and as part of the State of Georgia's zero tolerance policy when it comes to drinking and driving, law enforcement is stepped up every holiday. Labor Day is no exception.
One of the main ways that Georgia law enforcement will enforce the DUI laws is through the use of DUI checkpoints. These checkpoints are set up on Gwinnett County streets and highways to look for drivers under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Checkpoints are subject to specific constitutional requirements, and if those requirements are not met your case may be dismissed. These requirements include:
- Checkpoint for the specific purpose of preventing DUI;
- Placement of checkpoint approved by a supervisor;
- Must be properly marked;
- Officers must be in uniform;
- Checkpoint cannot unreasonably obstruct traffic;
- Every vehicle has to be stopped, not supposedly "random" stop; and
- Proper training for every police officer.
What Gwinnett County Police Officers Look For at DUI Checkpoints
When a person is stopped at a DUI checkpoint, officers are looking for certain signs of intoxication, often referred to as "indicators." These signs of intoxication include:
- Slurred or confused speech
- Bloodshot eyes
- Decreased motor function
- Inability to walk or stand without swaying
- The smell of drugs or alcohol on the driver or in the car,
- Beer cans, liquor bottles, or drugs in plain view of the officer
- Erratic driving behavior before and while approaching the DUI checkpoint
- Driving behavior which indicates the driver is trying to avoid the DUI checkpoint.
Any of the behaviors listed above might encourage police officers to investigate further through the use of field sobriety tests or chemical tests. If you test over 0.08% blood alcohol content or law enforcement determines you are intoxicated through a field sobriety test, you will be arrested.
If you are arrested for DUI, it is crucially important that you act quickly to protect your right to drive. You only have 30 days to appeal an Administrative License Suspension, and an experienced attorney can file an appeal on your behalf.
Consult a Gwinnett County DUI Attorney
If you have been arrested for DUI in Georgia, you have rights that should be protected. Remember, just because you are charged with a crime does not mean that you are guilty.
With the help of an experienced Gwinnett County DUI attorney, you can fight your criminal charges. Contact us today.
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